AIPA Annual Report 2022-2023
02/11/2023 | Author: Second Officer Glen Hunter, AIPA Treasurer

It is my pleasure to present this year’s Annual Report. The past 12 months have seen several challenges for our Association. FY23 marked the first full financial year of full time flying for most of our members. This in turn meant that it was the first year that our Associations income returned to pre-Covid levels. While still not quite at the levels we saw in FY19, this is a welcome return of stable income after the nearly $2.3 million loss we suffered collectively during FY20 and FY21. Despite the Association ending this year with a reasonable surplus of $680,000, we are still only halfway to recouping the losses we suffered during stand down. We still have a way to go before we can say we are back in the strong financial position we were prior to Covid.